Sunday, 4 December 2011

Management Tasks

There are several areas in which an administrator can use AutoConfig to update, control, and monitor an Oracle E-Business Suite system. While many tasks will normally be undertaken from Oracle Applications Manager, you may on occasion need to run a script (command file on Windows) from the command line.

Managing the Context

Oracle Applications Manager (see Chapter 7) enables you to edit the Applications context as required. From the Administration tab, choose AutoConfig and click on Edit Parameters for the relevant context file. After making a change to the context, you must run AutoConfig to update the relevant configuration files. Before doing so, you should examine the proposed changes by running the configuration check script (described below under Checking the System).
Warning: Do not edit E-Business Suite configuration files manually. Any changes will be lost when AutoConfig is next run.
An AutoConfig-managed environment such as Release 12.1.1 will also be updated by applying an Oracle E-Business Suite patch that adds or modifies variables in the Applications context file, AutoConfig template files, or AutoConfig driver files.
On occasion, you may need to undo configuration changes that have been made. The previous configuration can be restored by running the utility, which enables you to roll back the changes made by an AutoConfig run. This is achieved by utilizing the backup copies of the configuration files that are created when AutoConfig is run.
The backup files are located in <INST_TOP>/admin/out/<MMDDhhmm> on the application tier, and <RDBMS_ORACLE_HOME>/appsutil/out/<CONTEXT_NAME><MMDDhhmm> on the database tier, where the <MMDDhhmm> directory name indicates the month, day, hour and minute of the AutoConfig run.
You can restore the configuration that existed immediately before the current one by navigating to the appropriate backup directory and running the script. To restore an earlier configuration, you must use the Context File History feature of Oracle Applications Manager.
Build Context Utility
The adblxml utility, introduced in Release 12.1, can be used to create a new context file on the database tier. The new file acts as a central repository for database configuration information, and is essential in enabling AutoConfig on the database tier of an Oracle E-Business Suite instance.
A new context file on the database tier can be created using the following command:
perl $ORACLE_HOME/appsutil/bin/ \ [template=<contextfile_template>][out=<contextfile_name>
Where <contextfile_template> is the location of the context template (default is $ORACLE_HOME/appsutil/template/adxdbctx.tmp), and <contextfile_name> is the absolute path of the context file to be generated (the default is $ORACLE_HOME/appsutil/<context_name>.xml).
Note: The adblxml utility is only supported on the database tier, not on the application tier.

Controlling the System

AutoConfig utilizes a number of application tier control scripts, located in <INST_TOP>/admin/scripts.
Table 5-4 Key Application Tier Control Scripts
Script Name Function Starts all application tier server processes Stops all application tier server processes Runs AutoConfig
The corresponding directory on the database tier is <RDBMS_ORACLE_HOME>/appsutil/scripts/<CONTEXT_NAME>, where control scripts allow the database and database listener processes to be started and stopped, and AutoConfig to be run.

Checking the System

Several other scripts facilitate system management in an AutoConfig-managed environment such as Release 12. For example, you can identify the effects of proposed changes before you make them.
Configuration Check Utility is located in <AD_TOP>/bin on the application tier, and in <RDBMS_ORACLE_HOME>/appsutil/bin on the database tier.
This utility generates a report that highlights differences between existing configuration files and the new ones that AutoConfig will generate. The report is called cfgcheck.html.
Running is useful both in carrying out a test run before a planned environment change is made, and when investigating problems. In Release 12.1, the tool was enhanced to report important database updates, generate a report for database changes, and improve readability of reports.
Note: For further details on managing system configuration parameters, see Oracle E-Business Suite Maintenance Procedures.
AutoConfig Search Utility
Originally known as the Context Variable Information utility, the AutoConfig Search Utility, GenCtxinfRep, is used to obtain detailed information about context variables and the templates that use them. It is run from the command line and accepts all or part of a context variable name, and generates an HTML or text report that includes descriptions, default values, and current values of matched context variables. The variables description contains recommended settings, range of allowed values, and links to documents that give detailed usage information. Additionally, GenCtxinfRep lists the configuration templates where specific context variables are used.
AutoConfig Profiler
Introduced in Release 12.1, the profiling feature provides a consolidated HTML report of an AutoConfig run. The top level of the report displays a summarized view that lists all the product tops, along with the total instantiation and execution time of the templates within each product top. You can drill down into the report to view additional details, including the source and target location of each template, the time taken to instantiate and execute individual template scripts, and the execution report for each template script.
AutoConfig can be run in profile mode on the application tier using the following command:
$AD_TOP/bin/ contextfile=<CtxFile> \ [product=<product_top>] –profile
Where <CtxFile> is the absolute path to the application tier context file, and <product_top> is the short name of the product to configure.
AutoConfig can be run in profile mode on the database tier using the following command:
perl $ORACLE_HOME/appsutil/bin/ \ contextfile=<CtxFile> -profile
Where <CtxFile> is the absolute path to the database tier context file.
Enhanced Service Dependency Management
In addition to the above utilities, AutoConfig's service management infrastructure has been enhanced with dependency information between service groups and services. This dependency information is stored as metadata in the context file. The following XML attributes were added in Release 12.1:
  • services: contains a comma-separated list of the services that belong to a particular service group.
  • incompatible_with (optional): contains a comma-separated list of service groups and services that are mutually exclusive with the service group or service for which they are defined. For example, Forms Socket mode and Forms Servlet mode are mutually incompatible.
  • requires (optional): contains a comma-separated list of the required service groups and services. For example, to start and run successfully, all the OC4J containers require the TNS listener to be running.

Running AutoConfig in Parallel

Introduced in Release 12.1, the parallel mode feature enables AutoConfig to be run simultaneously across multiple nodes of an Oracle E-Business Suite system. When running in parallel mode, AutoConfig uses the dbms_locks PL/SQL package to ensure that configuration of one node does not interfere with configuration of other nodes: this is required because certain AutoConfig configurations of one node depend on the configurations of other nodes.
Note: During the instantiation phase, locking is done at script level. During the execution phase, locking is done at product_top level.
AutoConfig can be run in parallel mode on the application tier using the following command:
perl $AD_TOP/bin/ contextfile=<CtxFile> \ [product=<product_top>] –parallel
Where <CtxFile> is the absolute path of the application tier context file and <product_top> is the short name of the product to be configured.
AutoConfig can be run in parallel mode on the database tier using the following command:
perl $ORACLE_HOME/appsutil/bin/ \ contextfile=<CtxFile> -parallel
Where <CtxFile> is the full path to the database tier context file.
Note: When using parallel mode, AutoConfig must be invoked with the –parallel option on all nodes of the relevant tier.

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