Sunday, 4 December 2011

Product Directories

Each product has its own subdirectory under APPL_TOP. The subdirectories are named in accordance with the product's standard abbreviation, such as gl for Oracle General Ledger. Within each product directory is a subdirectory that is named using the base Oracle E-Business Suite release number, such as 12.0.0 for the initial Release 12. This directory contains the various subdirectories for the product files.

<PROD>_TOP Directory

The <APPL_TOP>/<prod>/<version> path is known as the product top directory (<PROD>_TOP), and its value is stored in the <PROD>_TOP environment variable.
For example, if APPL_TOP=/d01/oracle/prodapps, then the value contained in the AD_TOP environment variable is /d01/oracle/prodapps/ad/12.0.0, and the AD_TOP environment variable points to the <APPL_TOP>/ad/12.0.0 directory.
For the same APPL_TOP, the value of AU_TOP is /d01/oracle/prodapps/au/12.0.0, and the AU_TOP environment variable points to the <APPL_TOP>/au/12.0.0 directory. The same principle applies to all directories, apart for the admin directory.

Product Files

Each <PROD>_TOP directory, such as <APPL_TOP>/gl/12.0.0, contains subdirectories for product files. Product files include forms files, reports files, and files used to upgrade the database. To display data entry forms for Oracle General Ledger, for example, Oracle E-Business Suite accesses files in the forms subdirectory under the 12.0.0 directory.
Figure 2-6 APPL_TOP Directory Structure
the picture is described in the document text
Within each <PROD>_TOP directory, the product's files are grouped into subdirectories according to file type and function. The next figure expands the inset to show the full directory structure for gl.
Figure 2-7 Detail of gl Directory Structure
the picture is described in the document text
The following table summarizes product subdirectories and the types of files each one may contain.
Note: Not all products use all the subdirectories listed in this table.
Table 2-1 Applications Product Subdirectories and File Typesfile types
Subdirectory Name Description
admin The <PROD>_TOP/admin directory contains product-specific files used to upgrade each product. This is in distinction to the <APPL_TOP>/admin directory, which contains upgrade-related files for all products.
driver Contains driver files (.drv files) used in upgrading.
import Contains DataMerge files used to upgrade seed data.
odf Contains object description files (.odf files) used to create tables and other database objects.
sql Contains SQL*Plus scripts used to upgrade data, and .pkh, .pkb, and .pls scripts to create PL/SQL stored procedures.
bin Contains concurrent programs, other C language programs and shell scripts for each product.
forms Contains Oracle Forms generated runtime (.fmx) files (Oracle Forms form files).
help Contains the online help source files. Within this directory are subdirectories for each language installed.
html Contains HTML, JavaScript, and JavaServer Page (JSP) files, primarily for HTML-based Applications products.
include Contains C language header (.h) files that my be linked with files in the lib directory. Not all products require this directory.
java Contains JAR files (Java Archive files) and Java dependency files. Copies of JAR files are also located in the $AF_JLIB directory.
lib Contains files used to relink concurrent programs with the Oracle server libraries. These files include:
  • object files (.o on UNIX, .OBJ on Windows), with compiled code specific to one of the product's programs.
  • library files (.a on UNIX, various including .DLL on Windows), with compiled code common to the product's programs.
  • make files (.mk) that specify how to create executables from object files and library files.
log and out Contains output files for concurrent programs:
  • .mgr (master log file for concurrent manager)
  • .req (log file for a concurrent process)

Note that log and out subdirectories under a product directory are not used if you choose to set up a common directory for log and output files (FND_TOP is the only exception to this).
media Contains .gif files used in the display of text and graphics on the desktop client.
mesg Concurrent programs also print messages in the log and output files. This directory contains the .msb files (binary message files used at runtime), and language-specific message files (such as a US.msb file for American English and a D.msb file for German). The files contain the forms messages that are displayed at the bottom of the screen or in popup windows.
patch Updates to the data or data model utilize this directory to store the patch files.
reports Contains Oracle Reports platform-specific rdf binary report files for each product. Reports for each language are stored in subdirectories of the reports directory.
resource Contains .pll files (PL/SQL library files for Oracle Forms), which, like the plsql directory files, are later copied to AU_TOP.
sql Contains .sql files (SQL*Plus scripts) for concurrent processing.

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