Monday, 19 December 2011

Unix - C Shell Operators

This tutorial lists down all the operators available in C Shell. Here most of the operators are very similar to what we have in C Programming language.
Operators are listed in order of decreasing precedence:

Arithmatic and Logical Operators:

( )Change precedence
~1's complement
!Logical negation
<<Left shift
>>Right shift
==String comparison for equality
!=String comparison for non equality
=~Pattern matching
&Bitwise "and"
^Bitwise "exclusive or"
|Bitwise "inclusive or"
&&Logical "and"
||Logical "or"
*=Multiply left side by right side and update left side
/=Divide left side by right side and update left side
+=Add left side to right side and update left side
-=Subtract left side from right side and update left side
^="Exclusive or" left side to right side and update left side
%=Divide left by right side and update left side with remainder

File Test Operators:

There are following operators to test various properties associated with a Unix file.
-r file Checks if file is readable if yes then condition becomes true.
-w file Check if file is writable if yes then condition becomes true.
-x file Check if file is execute if yes then condition becomes true.
-f file Check if file is an ordinary file as opposed to a directory or special file if yes then condition becomes true.
-z file Check if file has size greater than 0 if yes then condition becomes true.
-d file Check if file is a directory if yes then condition becomes true.
-e file Check if file exists. Is true even if file is a directory but exists.
-o file Check if user owns the file. It returns true if user is the owner of the file.

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