Tuesday, 22 November 2011

Configure the Maintenance Wizard for Upgrade

1. Login as Upgrade Engineer User
2. Select a Category
3. Complete configuration of Maintenance Wizard
4. Enable remote access of the Applications database
5. Filter steps
6. Generate patch list and dynamically create pre-upgrade patching steps
7. Configure the Maintenance Wizard: status

   a) Login as Upgrade Engineer User

   b) Choose the Project you want to view:

Select the "Configuration" Category. 

The following screen will appear:

Click on the "Execute" button for the first task. The following screen will appear:

Click on "Run" button. 

When the job complete you must see the following message at the end of the log information:

**                                                                                                                 **
**                                   Congratulations!!!                                                 **
**                                                                                                                 **
**      You have successfully completed project node configuration.         **
**                                                                                                                 **
If you have any errors please fix them and redo this run ( from Redo the Action button) and run this job again.

    1) For this step please define utl_file_dir database initialization parameter;
    2) Check if $APPL_TOP/patch (on the apps node)  and  $ORACLE_HOME/patch (on the database node) are created. 

  a) Check if the database of the Oracle Applications 11i and the database listener are running. If there are not started, start them. 

  b) Click on the "Execute" button for the 2nd task. Click "Run". 

  c) At the end of the job the following message must be at the end of the log information:

Successfully created a database link named REMOTE_1597
Testing it now...
Test of database link succeeded.

PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

Successfully completed enabling remote access of the Applications database.
   d) Click on "Complete" button, and after that on "Success" button. 

This step runs filtering routines against the content of the upgrade instructions. The results of this step are used in determining what steps to display in the tool, and what steps to suppress or mark as automatically completed.

If the following message will appear in the log information "Found that at least one of Student Systems, Student Recruiting and/or  Financial Aid products is installed! Setting this project back to  DATA COLLECTION COMPLETE to prevent continuation of this upgrade.", only in a test environment you can force to fix the error by updating the fnd_product_installations table:  

update fnd_product_installations set status = 'N' where application_id in (8406, 8405);

If this step complete successfully, you will see the following message at the end of the log information:

Checking to see if Student Systems or Student Recruiting are installed...
Neither Student System nor Student Recruiting are installed.
It is safe to proceed with the Release 12 upgrade.
Successfully performed all filtering routines.

This step loads only relevant patches into EOF_REQUIRED_PATCHES, based on the upgrade from version and the product filter built in a previous step. It then queries the Applications database to determine the list of patches which have already been applied and flags the appropriate records in EOF_REQUIRED_PATCHES, by updating the APPLIED_FLAG. Finally, it dynamically generates steps in the 11i Pre-Upgrade Category for downloading, merging and applying those patches.

This step will contains in the log information the following message:

Creating 1 merge step(s).
Creating the Compilation step.
Creating the Verification step.
PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
Completed execution of eof17208e.sh.

If the Maintenance Wizard complete the configuration successfully, you can see the following screen:

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