Tuesday, 22 November 2011

Prepare the Maintenance Wizard for Upgrade

1. Create a new Customer
2. Create a new Project
3. Create a new User
4. Create a Project Administrator
5. Register the nodes for the Project (must be done when APPs R12 software is already installed )
6. Assigning Responsibilities to "Engineers"

1. Create a new Customer (connected as sysadmin)

Prepare Maintenance Wizard for Apps Upgrade (from 11i to R12)

In the same window we can modify the customer's rights: 
      - Open Access    = full access to the customer 
      - Access Locked = all accesses are locked for the customer 

2. Create a new Project (connected as sysadmin)

In order to upgrade a system, you must create a project. A project is used for a single iteration of an upgrade process. If you have to upgrade 3 systems (test, dev, prod) you have to create 3 projects. 

Prepare Maintenance Wizard for Apps Upgrade (from 11i to R12)

From "Product" Choose "Upgrade Assistant for Release 12" in order to create an upgrade (from 11i to R12) project. Click on "More Details".

Prepare Maintenance Wizard for Apps Upgrade (from 11i to R12)

Choose the "Source Version", "Destination Version", the remote EOF_HOME (only the name of the directory; do NOT put the full path here! ) and "Copy Steps from ..." Master. Press "Add" button. 

Now the project is created and some proprieties can be still modified. 

3. Create a new User (connected as sysadmin)

Prepare Maintenance Wizard for Apps Upgrade (from 11i to R12)

The user information can be changed from the "Edit User" tab. 

4. Create a Project Administrator (connected as sysadmin)

Prepare Maintenance Wizard for Apps Upgrade (from 11i to R12)

5. Register the nodes for the Project (connected as Project Administrator; in my case p1admin)

Prepare Maintenance Wizard for Apps Upgrade (from 11i to R12)

Choose the project name from the list. A new screen will appear. Click on "Edit" button. 
Click on "Define Nodes" tab.  The following screen will appear:

Prepare Maintenance Wizard for Apps Upgrade (from 11i to R12)
Choose a method for defining NodeType(s). Me I will choose "Read from AutoConfig". The "Administration Node Autoconfig Setup" page will appear:

Prepare Maintenance Wizard for Apps Upgrade (from 11i to R12)

Put the correct values (the database node is not chosen) and click "Next".

Repeat this step for the database node too. After that edit the Database node and put the correct SYSTEM and APPS passwords. 

For the R12 node, choose the "Manual config" setup. 

Prepare Maintenance Wizard for Apps Upgrade (from 11i to R12)

Select the correct values for the specified field and click on Save. 

Prepare Maintenance Wizard for Apps Upgrade (from 11i to R12)

Press on "Configure" button and "DATA COLLECTION COMPLETE" message will change. The new one will be "CONFIGURATION COMPLETE".

Create a new user (named UpgEngineer, in my example) and assign to him all the privileges needed for the upgrade. In my case I will assign all the privileges to the UpgEngineer. In real life, several users are created and the right privileges are assigned to each user by the Project Administrator. 

Connected as Project Administrator, choose the Upgrade Engineer:
Prepare Maintenance Wizard for Apps Upgrade (from 11i to R12) 

The following screen will appear (Here I have chosen all the privileges available):

Prepare Maintenance Wizard for Apps Upgrade (from 11i to R12)

Click on "Save" button to save the new changes. 

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