Tuesday, 22 November 2011

Install Oracle Maintenance Wizard for Apps

1.   What is Maintenance Wizard used for ?
2.   Presentation of my test environment
3.   Prepare the installation
4.   Install the Oracle 10g database Software
5.   Install the Oracle 10g iAS for use by Maintenance Wizard
6.   Create the database for the Maintenance Wizard
7.   Configure the listener.ora and tnsnames.ora for the Oracle database 
8.   Set up the tnsnames.ora for the <iAS ORACLE_HOME>
9.   Create the NEWEOF tablespace for the Maintenance Wizard
10. Verify if zip and unzip executables are installed
11. Set the default Linux/ UNIX shell to Korn shell
12. Install the Maintenance Wizard
13. Post Install Steps

Maintenance Wizard is an Oracle tool (for UNIX or Linux) which can be used for upgrading Oracle APPS to R12. It helps you to reduce upgrade tasks by dynamically filtering the necessary steps based on criteria it obtains from your Applications environment

  • The Maintenance Wizard will be installed on the host named MW  (IP address:
  • The Oracle Applications 11i is installed on 2 nodes: The Apps tier is installed on the host named APPS (IP address: and the Database tier is installed on the host named DB  (IP address:
  • the /etc/hosts  (on the 3 hosts) must contains the aliases for all 3 hosts
  • rsh must be enabled on the APPS and DB hosts (ssh also could be enabled) and must allow the owner of the Maintenance Wizard (mw Linux account) to connect to the APPS and DB hosts without prompting for the password. More more details click here: Using Remote Shell on Linux/ UNIX/ AIX.  
  • Download from Metalink the Maintenance Wizard version 2.x, Oracle RDBMS 10.2.0 and iAS 10.1.3
  • Create the following directories: /ORACLE10g (for the Oracle Home) and /ORA_iAS1013 (for the IAS Oracle Home): We must have 2 separate Oracle Homes for this. Do not try to use an existing Oracle Home !

    a) Prepare the OS for the Oracle database 10g installation (however, this step is needed for the database and not for the Oracle  software). For more installation see the Oracle 10g Installation Guide.

    b) Run the installer

    c) On the first window, choose the ORACLE_HOME location, uncheck the option called "Create Starter database", choose "Enterprise Edition". 

    d) Specify a location for the Oracle Inventory

    e) When the pre-requisites will be checked and all is ok, click "Next"

    f) When the "Summary" window appears click "Install"

    g) Exit the installation when the installation will complete.    

    a) Run the installer

    Note: If you use a version of Linux which is not validated by the iAS installer you can start the installer with the ignoreSysPrereqs parameter (in this case you must be sure that the other prerequisites are valid ): 
       ./runInstaller -ignoreSysPrereqs   

    b) Specify the installation directory (iAS Oracle Home), choose "Advanced Installation Mode" and click "Next"

    c) Choose "Web Server" option (which contains the Oracle Process Management) and click "Next"

    d) Select desired method of port configuration (I suggest "Automatic" method)  and click "Next"

    e) Choose a name for your instance (example: ias_mw ) and click "Next"

    f) Click Next again and after that in the next window press "Install"

    g) When the installation complete, exit the installer. 

    a) Set the ORACLE_HOME variable:  
        export ORACLE_HOME=<full path to the RDBMS ORACLE_HOME>

    b) Run the Database Configuration Assistant
       cd $ORACLE_HOME/bin 

    c) Choose "Create a Database" -> "General Purpose" ->  specify name for the database ("mw_db" for instance) -> choose to configure the database with Enterprise Manager -> choose a password for SYS and SYSTEM accounts -> choose "File System" as storage mechanism and select a "Common Location" -> Disable Flashback features -> choose NO sample schemas -> configure the SGA, PGA, etc (you can click "Next" to keep the default configuration )  -> When the installation complete, exit the installer. 

Here is the listener.ora configuration template:
     (SID_LIST =
          (SID_DESC =
                (SID_NAME = PLSExtProc)
                (ORACLE_HOME = /ORACLE10g)
                (PROGRAM = extproc)

            (DESCRIPTION =
                  (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = MW.localdomain)(PORT = 1521))
                  (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = IPC)(KEY = EXTPROC0))

Here is the tnsnames.ora entry to be added (it must be configured for your particular situation):
mwdb =
         (ADDRESS_LIST =
                      (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = MW.localdomain)(PORT = 1521))
         (CONNECT_DATA =
             (SERVICE_NAME = mw_db)

cd <iAS ORACLE_HOME>/network/admin
ln -s <RDBMS ORACLE_HOME>/network/admin/tnsnames.ora tnsnames.ora

Connected as SYSTEM or SYS run:

SQL:\> create tablespace NEWEOF datafile '/ORACLE10g/oradata/mw_db/MW_data_01.dbf' size 50M AUTOEXTEND ON NEXT 10M MAXSIZE 80M;

[mw@MW mw_db]$ which zip
[mw@MW mw_db]$ which unzip
[mw@MW mw_db]$ which ping
If the executables are not found, perhaps the PATH variable is not set up correctly. 
    a) Check the default Linux/ UNIX shell:
        [mw@MW mw_db]$ more /etc/passwd | grep mw 
    b) Set the default Linux shell to Korn shell (ksh):
       [mw@MW mw_db]$ chsh -s /bin/ksh
       Changing shell for mw.
       Shell changed.
       [mw@MW mw_db]$ more /etc/passwd | grep mw
       NOTE: This must be done for Maintenance Wizard account, and APPs and Database owners.  

   a) Login to system as the owner of the Maintenance Wizard (used also to install RDBMS and IAS)

   b) Create the eof directory under the ORACLE_HOME directory

   c) Download from Metalink the Maintenance Wizard  and unzip it under  $ORACLE_HOME/eof  (which will be EOF_HOME)

   d) Set the following environment variables: ORACLE_HOME, ORACLE_SID, IAS_HOME, PATH, TNS_ADMIN, EOF_HOME

   In my case I used: 
export ORACLE_SID=mwdb
export IAS_HOME=/ORA_iAS1013
export PATH=$ORACLE_HOME/bin:$PATH:/ORA_iAS1013/opmn/bin/
export TNS_ADMIN=$ORACLE_HOME/network/admin
export EOF_HOME=$ORACLE10g/eof
   e)  Run the Maintenance Wizard installation script:

        cd $EOF_HOME/config

    f)  Respond to the prompts.

  • If the Maintenance Wizard patch stage is not yet created, this must be done at the prompt time because this task is not done automatically. 
  • The email for Anonymous FTP will be used by the Maintenance Wizard as the password for the any anonymous FTP connections to the Oracle FTP site. 
  • Metalink credentials (username/passwords) will be used to establish a connection with Metalinks and download patches when needed. 
  • The password for sysadmin is the password for Maintenance Wizard admin owner account.
  • The automated patching and administration features of the tool require that a defaults file be located in the $APPL_TOP/admin/<SID> directory.
  • The Timeout parameter of IAS_HOME/Apache/Apache/conf/httpd.conf must be modified to a value of 10800 (3 hours) to allow long running steps like patch downloads and merges.
  • You can rerun the setup.sh script to change the configuration if required. 
     g) Stop and restart the Oracle Application Server
         $ opmnctl stopall  
         $ opmnctl startall
  • The Timeout parameter of IAS_HOME/Apache/Apache/conf/httpd.conf must be modified to a value of 10800 (3 hours) to allow long running steps like patch downloads and merges. After this change the iAS (Oracle Application Server) must be restarted (see step g) ).
  • Secure the $EOF_HOME/EOF.env:         chmod 700 $EOF_HOME/EOF.env 
  • Setup a client machine with Microsoft Internet Explorer (IE) 6.0 or higher: 
             -> In IE, under Tools -> Internet Options -> Settings -> "Every visit to the page"  
             -> Check if in the C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\etc\hosts there is an entry for the Maintenance Wizard host (example: mw.localdomain mw )
  • Test the connection to the Maintenance Wizard
    http://<hostname>.<domain>:<Apache Port>/EOF/
    In my case was http://mw.localdomain:7777/pls/EOF/
Here is the Maintenance Wizard login page:
Install Oracle 
Maintenance Wizard for Apps
Here is the Maintenance Wizard main page:
Install Oracle 
Maintenance Wizard for Apps

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